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Online Application Management Insights

Better application management of scholarships, grants, awards, and more.

Posts about

Grant management

How to Manage Grants Vs Scholarships

Have you ever found yourself scratching your head, wondering how to manage grants vs scholarships? If so, we can tell you without a shadow of a doubt..

Restricted Vs Unrestricted Grants - How to Manage Either

Let’s talk about restricted vs unrestricted grants. Grants are the lifeblood of many organizations, fueling important projects and initiatives. What..

How to Define a Grant Disbursement Policy

Are you struggling with defining a grant disbursement policy for your organization? You're not alone. Many grant managers find it challenging to..

4 Grant Budget Examples to Convince Funders

Lots of money is on the line in grantmaking. That’s why a killer grant budget is so important. The simple fact is, if someone is giving you a lot of..
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